
Weather forecast

Before flying, check the current situation and weather forecast in the Gorenjska region (cloud forecast, wind forecast at 700 m and 1500 m and general wind forecast, wind and humidity forecast, thermal activity forecast and precipitation radar image). The source of data is the ARSO Meteo website. 

+386 51 215 914

Kriška gora

+386 41 934 849



Weather forecast

Before flying, check the current situation and weather forecast in the Gorenjska region (cloud forecast, wind forecast at 700 m and 1500 m and general wind forecast, wind and humidity forecast, thermal activity forecast and precipitation radar image). The source of data is the ARSO Meteo website. 

+386 51 215 914

Kriška gora

+386 41 934 849


Cloud forecast

Cloudiness forecast according to model forecast - Aladin.

Wind forecast at 700 m

Wind forecast at 700 m according to the model forecast - Aladin.

Wind forecast at 1500 m

Wind forecast at 1500 m according to model forecast - Aladin.

General wind forecast

Wind forecast for the next three days up to 6000 m above sea level according to the model forecast - Aladin in the Gorenjska region.

Wind and humidity forecast

Wind and humidity forecast for the next three days up to 6000 m above sea level. according to the model forecast - Aladin in the Gorenjska region.

Forecast of thermal activity

Forecast of thermals and temperature gradient for the next three days up to 6000 m above sea level. according to the model forecast - Aladin in the Gorenjska region.

Radar photo of rainfall

The latest radar image of precipitation in Slovenia.

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